9/10/11 - "Sentinel Pine Covered Bridge at Flume Gorge"

Fine Art Prints and Framing.

     This covered bridge, which is over The Pool at Flume Gorge, got its name from a century-old pine tree, which stood nearby and was blown down in the great hurricane of 1938. The old pine was 5' in diameter at its base and stood 90' tall. The tree was cut to 60' in length and moved to the bridge site, where it was hoisted over the deep gorge of the Flume. Workers took other trees that had also fallen and made the footbridge on top of the giant pine, as well as finished the walls and the roof of the covered bridge with local trees. Looking closely at the construction of the Sentinel Pine covered bridge you will see the bridge was built using pegs to hold the wood planks and beams in place. You can also make out the trunk of that great old pine, supporting the bridge, in the image above.

Camera Data

Canon EOS 5D
1/13 second
60 mm
Aug 8, 2011, 5:40:19 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows


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