1/3/13 - "Hope - At Night"

Hope - At Night

Fine Art Prints and Art Gifts

     Hope is the name we've given to our home, our 1980's vintage house barge, since our encounter with Super Storm Sandy. This is a view of the southern side of Hope - the side that faces out to the bay, Jones Beach, the Fire Island Lighthouse and Ocean Parkway.

     At this point in time, Hope is up on blocks now, awaiting repairs to her hull, roof and siding; but hopefully she'll once again be afloat on the bay.

     This is a Google Map satellite view of Hope in happier times. The red arrow points to where there used to be Hope.
(Re-edited 12/8/14)

Camera Data

Canon EOS 5D
25/10 second
67 mm
Dec 6, 2012, 7:13:31 PM
Adobe Photoshop 7.0


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