3/27/11 - "996 Crooked Lead - No. 10"

          This bayhouse is one of about 30 that remain in the waters off the South Shore of Long Island. Once there were more than 300 of these primitive structures in the bays of southern Hempstead Town. They have neither electric, water, sewer, gas or telephone lines; the tradeoff is a home with a 360 degree vista of bays and marshes, and lots of tranquility.

         *Note: In the maps linked to above, today's picture is of the bayhouse below the green arrow.

          I've visited about half of these homes so far, with great photos of some, and plan on capturing iconic images of all 30 or so - for posterity, if for no other reason. Eventually I'd love to have an exhibit on bayhouses, or maybe a coffee table book. In the meantime, I enjoy exploring these houses and their salt-air environs.

Camera Data

Canon PowerShot SD1000
1/318 second
6 mm
Nov 18, 2009, 11:11:21 AM
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows


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