3/30/11 - "Bayhouse and Guardian"

     In late October of last year, I took a boat ride to a trio of bayhouses I'd visited once before, about 15 months earlier. That trip was more of a drive-by, as I did my shooting while still in my little Boston Whaler. I didn't stop at any of the three neighboring houses, as I was a little nervous then about trespassing. I've gotten over that, now. Twice, now, Sally and I have been checked-up on while visiting one of these getaways, but we have reassured the checker-uppers that we mean no harm, and that all I am taking are pictures. This has sufficed as an explanation, so far. Still, I try to be discreet with my visitation to these isolated homes, and cognizant that there are eyes watching when I don't even know it.

     All three of these bayhouses are visible in the background of yesterday's Picture of the Day, although they're about a mile and a half away. At this point, a little less than two years since getting my boat, I've travelled to about half of the roughly 30 homes that still remain. I have good pictures of most of them, although there are some I need to re-visit. In addition to photographing the bayhouses I've not yet visited, it will probably take me another year or so to finish this self-assigned project. After that, I would love to have a gallery showing of the resulting images somewhere, but first things first.

Canon PowerShot SD1000
1/251 second
6 mm
Oct 28, 2010, 4:22:28 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows


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