4/21/11 - "Ganesha: Lord of Success - Detail #1"

"Ganesha: Lord of Success - Detail #1"

     So after five days' posts of historic Hugenot Street in New Paltz, NY of the late 1600's and early 1700's, we return to a Hindu statue of Ganesha, who dates from the 4th and 5th centuries BC. I recently spotted four of these figures guarding the main entrance to a 14 acre estate, in the tony town of Southampton, NY recently, on Long Island's South Shore. 

     I have a few more images to post of this roadside gateway, which fronts the long approach road to 409 Montauk Highway, and its 10 bedroom, 10 bathroom mansion. Also included on this large plot of land are a built in pool - with accompanying pool house/gazebo - and adjacent tennis court.

Canon EOS 5D
1/166 second
24 mm
Apr 9, 2011, 2:53:42 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows


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