5/18/11 - "April Early Morning Fog #2"

"April Early Morning Fog #2"

     A slightly different version of the Picture of the Day originally posted last Wednesday, which then mysteriously disappeared for two days (while blogspot was having some problems) but reappeared on Friday the 13th. Things that make you go "Hmmm..."

     For today's image I went with auto color correction, using Photoshop CS5, as it lends a very different atmosphere to the picture. The 1.6 second exposure time, while not quite as long as the first photos' two second exposure, was still long enough to render the bay as mirror-smooth.

     This view towards Seaman's Neck Park has probably been my most photographed scene, since moving into my housebarge about three and a half years ago. For now, it looks like we'll get at least another summer here before we may be told to relocate. That day, if and when it comes, will be a truly sad day indeed.

Camera Data

Canon EOS 5D
16/10 second
40 mm
Apr 24, 2011, 5:41:38 AM
Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows


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