6/10/11 - "Storm King Mountain"

"Storm King Mountain"

     This view, of the southeastern flank of Storm King Mountain, was shot from a  scenic overlook along Route 9W,  just west of - and slightly above - West Point, NY. Looking at the Google Maps satellite view linked to above, the rock outcroppings in this image would be diagonally opposite the green arrow (i.e. in the upper right corner of the satellite photo) which identifies the overlook.

     Today's picture is the second in this series, which includes photos of two locations Sally and I visited nearly three weeks ago. There are a few from this area, and also some of an old summer hotel in White Lake, NY.  That site is just east of the town of Bethel, home of the original - and infamous - Woodstock Festival, which was held in August of 1969.

Camera Data
Canon EOS 5D
1/320 second
96 mm
May 22, 2011, 12:43:08 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows


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