12/11/12 - "Starboard Stern and Floating Dock"

Starboard Stern and Floating Dock

Fine Art Prints and Art Gifts

     Here's a view of the stern and starboard quarter of our house barge, and how it came to rest up against some boats that were being stored in this boatyard, to keep them safe during Hurricane Sandy. Well, neither they nor we were safe from Sandy's wrath; and my plan to be floated to the tony North Shore of Long Island, from the less well-to-do South Shore, was thwarted by these interlopers. Drats, foiled again! 

     The double 2" x 6" beam in this image is something I fabricated after the "Storm of the Century" on March 13th in 2010, after I was advised by my neighbor that I was no longer welcome to tie off that side of the dock to his piling. I was damaging his piling, he claimed. Whatever... It attached the starboard corner of my 14' x 20' floating dock to the rear corner of my house barge, as pictured above. On the dock side of this beam, only one of the four large galvanized bolts remained screwed in. The rest pulled loose during the storm! 

     The port corner of the dock I had reinforced, prior to the Hurricane, with a very stout line. As a result of these two fortified attachments, the dock dutifully followed our house barge to its post-storm resting place. Incidentally, the upside-down platform between the dock and house barge was one part of the two-piece ramp that connected the bow of Hope - which is what we've decided to call our newly-christened floating home - to the parking lot of "our" marina; at least it did, in happier times. The second part of the ramp turned out to be under the dock.

Camera Data

Canon EOS 5D
1/32 second
24 mm
Nov 2, 2012, 8:48:11 AM
Adobe Photoshop 7.0


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