12/1/12 - "An Angled Life"

An Angled Life

Fine Art Prints and Art Gifts

     This image was captured at 4:22 am on November 2nd, 2012 - approximately three and a half days after Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, causing widespread catastrophic damage. It has also changed many, many lives in very many ways - many of them (if not all, in some shape, manner or form) forever. While the cleanup, renovations and restorations continue, this photo (which was shot in the living room of our tossed-ashore house barge) illustrates how our lives in particular were forced out of balance - both literally and figuratively. Literally, because we came to rest in a boatyard across the street from the marina we were moored in; and figuratively, because our lives have lost much of our usual balance, as we struggle to overcome each obstacle being tossed in our path, as we strive for a return to normalcy.

     The curtains on the windows,  and the framed photo hanging on the wall, are actually hanging plumb - it's out house barge that's tilted. This indicates how out of balance our home was until Thanksgiving Eve, when we were hoisted by crane back across Ocean Avenue in Seaford, NY and put up on blocking.

Camera Data

Canon EOS 5D
1/5 second
24 mm
Nov 2, 2012, 4:46:22 AM
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows


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