4/10/11 - "City Night - Shadow and Light"

"City Night - Shadow and Light"

     While I currently work as a stagehand, mainly as an electrician doing TV production in Manhattan, for the first part of my professional career I was a Lighting Designer and Director. I was hired by a former CBS lighting director, after spending my last college semester as an intern at his firm. It was through him that I first learned about light and lighting.

     As a photographer, I prefer working with available light. What caught my eye about the lighting in this image was the fact that there were two different light sources, of two distinct color temperatures. The most notable is the orange-yellow of a sodium vapor street light. The second source is a metal-halide lamp, which is temporarily in place under a sidewalk shed, which have become de rigueur for construction sites in Manhattan lately.

     These two lights are illuminating the pull-down security gate, which is protecting an entryway - probably for freight deliveries - to the retail store on the NE corner of Third Avenue and 67th Street. The shadows from these two sources are falling on a stuccoed wall behind the gate; and while it looks like there are three different color temperatures at work here, the reason is that the wall bends parallel to 67th Street, at the right side of the image. Hence, this section of the wall is directly reflecting more of the light from the metal halide bulb, and therefore looks brighter - almost like a different color - than the darker part to its left.

     There's something new about today's picture, also. I've switched to using a customized, and hopefully less obtrusive, copyright notice for my images. I learned this trick while reading a copy of Get the Most from Photoshop, which I borrowed from my local library. I'm going to buy my own copy, though, as its full of very useful information that is easy to decipher. Other, more comprehensive books about Photoshop tend to be hard to read, as they cover every single feature of this feature-laden software. Besides, most of them are version-specific, and this book covers a wide range - from Photoshop 7.0 to CS4.
Camera Data

Canon EOS 5D
30/1 second
55 mm
Apr 5, 2011, 8:11:26 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows


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