4/5/11 - "Twigged-Out Oak Gall"

     Today's picture is another from my visit Sunday to Massapequa Lake. On this Google Maps satellite view of the woods just north of the lake, the green arrow indicates the exact spot where this image was captured. Really. Thanks to geo tagging, I can identify exactly where any given photo was shot.

     Well, not really. I probably could do that, but as of yet I have not. Someday, maybe, I'll look into it. But for now - between work, my photography, this blog, bills etc. - my plate is full enough.  

     Getting back to today's picture: I am reasonably sure, after doing some online research, that this is an oak gall. But as I learned, there are many kinds of galls; and they may be caused by parasites ranging from fungi to bacteria, to insects and mites. One website even mentioned nematodes as a possible culprit.

     Here's a black and white version of the same image, for those who may prefer that genre:

Camera Data

Canon EOS 5D
1/197 second
105 mm
Apr 2, 2011, 4:28:00 PM
Adobe Photoshop CS Windows


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